
2015年05月19日15:07  新浪资讯

  Part I Writing


  No Shortcut to Learning

  Given is a stimulating but thought-provoking cartoon, in which a young man asks where he can find a book named “How To Do Well In School Without Studying”, and the woman suggests him to find it in the fiction section. Apparently, the cartoon ironically demonstrates a truth that there is no such a thing as a shortcut to learning。

  The nature of study requires it to be based on a solid foundation. Just as we cannot build a castle in the air, neither can we obtain advanced knowledge through a shortcut, for a shortcut can shatter the foundation. For example, students may choose to cheat in order to acquire a high score. However, the cheaters will wind up in ignorance. In addition, although many students are averse to learning by rote, there is no denying that it is necessary to spend a certain amount of time to remember and learn the basic knowledge which lay the foundation for further study。

  To sum up, students should come to realize that there exists no shortcut in study. Only hard work will form the bedrock of good performance in school。


  Section A

  1. M: What do you think of the government’s new tax cut proposal?

  W: Though it may give some benefit to the poor. Its key component is the elimination of tax on dividends. That means the rich will get richer。

  Q: What does the woman think of the government’s tax cut proposal?

  2. M: Jenny, remember this: a job worth doing at all is worth doing well。

  W: Oh, yes. I certainly won’t forget it. But don’t expect me to stick to the job just because it pays a few more bucks. A life of continuous exploration is a life worth living。

  Q: What can be inferred about the woman from the conversation?

  3. M: I found that one of my schoolmates uses drugs.mHow can I help him, Mom?

  W: Stay away from him, Son. Never think that you can talk him out of the habit if he is addicted. But perhaps you can talk to your teacher about the matter。

  Q: What’s the woman’s advice to her son?

  4. W: I don’t know how you can eat so much yet never put on any weight, son. Your father’s got the same luck. I can’t take a bite without calculating how many calories I am taking。

  M: But remember Aunt Louise, mom? She ate a lot and never gained a pound。

  Q: Who is worried about gaining weight?

  5. W: Did you turn off the lights and check the locks on all the doors?

  M: Yes, I told the Johnsons we’d be gone for two weeks. They promised to keep an eye on the house for us。

  Q: What are the two speakers going to do?

  6. M: Hurry up, Linda! I hear that there aren’t many tickets left for the football match。

  W: I am ready now. Let’s go. It is the early bird that catches the worm。

  Q: Why did the man ask the woman to hurry up?

  7. W: Did you hear that the convenience store next to the gas station was held up last night?

  M: Yes, I heard it on the radio this morning。

  Q: What happened to the convenience store?

  8. M: Congratulations! I just heard about your acceptance into a law school. Do you think you would join your brother’s firm after graduation?

  W: Not likely. He is a tax lawyer, and I am going to major in criminal law。

  Q: What does the woman mean?

  Conversation One

  W: Hi, Bill, how is it going?

  M: Oh, hi, Jan. I’m OK. How about you?

  W: You can probably tell just by looking at me. I’ve been really busy. Hey, what are you reading?

  M: A pretty interesting article. My biology professor assigned it, and I thought I just look it over. But I got really involved in it. It’s about endangered species。

  W: That sounds pretty interesting. I’m getting frustrated with the two research papers I’m struggling with。

  M: Oh?

  W: And can you believe they are both due on the same day?

  M: That’s tough。

  W: I’ll get through it. So what’s this you are reading?

  M: Well, it’s basically about the choices conservationists faced with. You know, on these days when funding so hard to come by(取得)。

  W: Wait a minute. Is the focus on biology or economics?

  M: Both. Conservationists don’t have enough funding to save every endangered species in the world, so they have to decide based on what would be lost if a species became extinct。

  W: Can you give me an example of what you mean?

  M: Take for instance, two animals, the spotted owl and the tailed toad. The article says the toad is unique. It has no relatives. But there are a lot of varieties of owls。

  W: So, if that toad became extinct, we’d lose an important link in the chain of revolution, right?

  M: Exactly. But that isn’t so for the awl. So for conservationists, it might be clear choice of which animal to save。

  W: I see. I am glad I don’t have to make that kind of decision. Aren’t you?

  9. What are the speakers mainly discussing?

  10. What problems do conservationists have?

  11. What can be inferred about the tailed toad?

  Conversation Two

  M:Good evening, dear audience. I’m glad to continue the topic about music. It is common knowledge that music can have a powerful effect on our emotions. In fact, since 1930s, music therapists have relied on music to soothe patients and help control pain. Now psychologists are confirming that music can also help relieve depression and improve concentration。

  W: That’s nice. Do they have any concrete examples?

  M: For instance, in a recent study, 15 surgeons were given some highly stressed math problems to solve. They were divided into three groups: one worked in silence; and in another, the surgeons listened to music of their choice on headphones; the third listened to classic music chosen by the researchers。

  W: What’re the results?

  M: The results of the study may surprise you. The doctors who got to choose their music experienced less stress and scored better than the others。

  W: That is surprising. How to explain this?

  M: One possible explanation is that listening to music you like stimulates the Alfa-wave in the brain, increases the heart rate and expands the breathing. That helps to reduce stress and sharpen concentration。

  W: Is there any other research?

  M: Yes. Other research suggests a second relation between the music and the brain: by examining the students’ blood after listening to a variety of classical music collections, the researchers found that some students showed a large increase in a chemical substance, a natural pain reliever, in their blood, which can help soothe the patient。

  W: Well, thank you so much for being with us today and having us know about another function of music。

  12. What is the talk mainly about?

  13. According to the speaker, how is the music therapy currently used in medicine?

  14. What did the study done with surgeons show?

  15. What effect did music have in the study of students exposed to classic music?

  Section B

  Passage One

  Jane Brown, has been married for 12 years. She has three children and lives in a suburb outside Columbus, Ohio. When her youngest child reached school age, Jane decided to go back to work. She felt that she should contribute to the household finances. Her salary could make the difference between the financial struggle and a secure financial situation for her family. Jane also felt bored and frustrated in her role as a home maker and wanted to be more involved in life outside her home. Jane was worried about the children's adjustment to the new situation, but she arranged for them to go to stay with a woman nearby after school each afternoon. They seemed to be .happy with the arrangement. The problem seemed to be between Jane and her husband Bill. When Jane was at home all day, she was able to clean the house, go grocery shopping, wash the clothes, take care of the children and cook the two or three meals each day. She was very busy, of course, but she succeeded in getting everything done. Now these same things need to be done, but Jane has only evenings and early mornings to do them. Both Jane and Bill are fired when they arrived at home at six p. m.. Bill is accustomed to sitting down and reading the paper or watching TV until the dinner is ready. This is exactly what Jane feels like doing, but someone has to fix the dinner, and Bill expects it to be Jane. Jane is becoming very angry at Bill's attitude. She feels that they should share the household jobs. But Bill feels that everything should be the same as it was before she went back to work。

  16. Why did Jane want to go back to work?

  17. How did Jane spend her days before she went back to work?

  18. What problems arose when Jane went back to work?

  19. What does the story try to tell us?

  Passage Two

  The decade for natural disaster reduction is a program designed to reduce the impact of natural disasters throughout the world. With support from the United Nations, countries will be encouraged to share information about disaster reduction. For instance, information about how to plan for and cope with hurricanes, earthquakes and other natural disasters. One of the most important things the program plans to do is to remind us of what we can do to protect ourselves. For example, we can pack a suitcase with flashlights, a radio, food, drinking water and some tools. This safety may help us survive a disaster until help arrives. Besides, the program will encourage governments to establish building standards, emergency response plans, and training programs, These measures can help to limit the destruction by natural disasters. The comparatively mild effects of the northern California earthquake in 1989 are good evidence that we do have the technology to prevent vast destruction. The recent disasters, on the other hand, prove that people will suffer if we don’t use that technology. When a highway collapsed in northern California, people were killed in their cars. The highway was not built according to today’s strict standards to resist earthquakes. Individuals and governments have to be far-sighted. We should take extra time and spend extra money to build disaster safety into our lives. Although such a program can’t hold back the winds or stop earthquakes, they can save people’s lives and homes。

  20. What is the purpose of the program mentioned in this passage?

  21. What can we learn from the northern California earthquake in 1989?

  22. Why did the highway in northern California collapse?

  Passage Three

  Living at the foot of one of the world’s most active volcanoes might not appeal to you at all. But believe it or not, the area surrounding Mount Etna in Italy is packed with people. In fact, it is the most densely populated region on the whole island of Sicily. The reason is that rich volcanic soil makes the land fantastic for forming. By growing and selling a variety of crops, local people earn a good living. For them, the economic benefit they reap surpasses the risk of dying or losing property in one of the volcano’s frequent eruptions. People everywhere make decisions about risky situations this way. That is, by comparing the risks and the benefits. According to the experts, the side of the risk depends on both its probability and seriousness. Let’s take Mount Etna for example. It does erupt frequently, but those eruptions are usually minor. So the overall risk for people living nearby is relatively small. But suppose Mount Etna erupted everyday, or imagine that each eruption there kills thousands of people. If that were the case, the risk would be much larger. Indeed, the risk would be too large for many people to live with. And they would have to move away。

  23. How do people make decisions about risky situations?

  24. What do we know about Mount Etna from the passage?

  25. What will people living near Mount Etna do in the face of its eruptions?

  PartⅡListening Comprehension

  1~5 CBDCA 6~10 CBDAC 11~15 BBCAC 16~20 BDABA 21~25 BCCBD

  26. lie 27.assign to 28.think about 29.difficulty 30.afford

  31. is entitled to 32.assume 33.are intended to 34.privacy 35.boundaries

  Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension

  36~40 MJKGO 41~45 DIBLF 46~50 GCAMK 51~55 HELFD

  56~60 ABBDA 61~65 CABCB

  Part Ⅳ Translation


  China will endeavor to make sure that every employee will get an average 13.3 year of education in 2015. If this goal can be achieved, the majority of those to get employed in labor market are required to have bachelor’s degree。

  In the next few years, a great emphasis will be put on the increasing enrollment of vocational school. The focus will be on high education. Besides, more attention will be center on the breakthrough of ensuring the justice of education. China is trying to make the best use of its educational resource to give more support to the rural areas and less developed places。

  Besides, the education ministry decided to improve nutrition of students in less developed places and children of those migrant workers will be offered the equal opportunities to receive education in the city。

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